Preservation from the most humble to the most precious.
Mission Statement
The Archives of the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana, has as its mission the acquisition, collection, classification, preservation, storage and retrieval of information directly pertaining to the history, mission and functioning of the Sisters of St. Francis. Such information includes, but is not limited to, manuscripts; papers; documents; letters; diaries; journals; books; and photographs.
The archives reflect the various apostolates and ministries of the Sisters of St. Francis, both from the viewpoint of participation in these apostolates and from that of their relationship to the People of God served through these apostolates.
In our continued fulfilling the stewardship entrusted to the Sisters of St. Francis, the Archives preserves, classifies and makes available for prudent reference all those various kinds of information—temporal or spiritual—which pertain to the growth, stability and survival of the Congregation. Our history is cherished as a sacred story.
Research Requests
If you wish information regarding a former teacher, relative or friend, please contact the Archives staff with the specific details of your request.
There is no charge for this service, however, your donation allows us to continue our work of preserving history and making it available to others.
Contact Information
Sisters of St. Francis
P.O. Box 100
Oldenburg, IN 47036
Phone: 812-933-6487
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; afternoons as needed
Repository for Archives
In order to ensure the maintenance of the Sisters of St. Francis archives for generations to come, the Leadership Team accepted the University of Notre Dame’s offer to serve as a repository for materials not having been used for a year. Items currently housed at the University of Notre Dame can be located at:
Mission Statement
The Archives of the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana, has as its mission the acquisition, collection, classification, preservation, storage and retrieval of information directly pertaining to the history, mission and functioning of the Sisters of St. Francis. Such information includes, but is not limited to, manuscripts; papers; documents; letters; diaries; journals; books; and photographs.
The archives reflect the various apostolates and ministries of the Sisters of St. Francis, both from the viewpoint of participation in these apostolates and from that of their relationship to the People of God served through these apostolates.
In our continued fulfilling the stewardship entrusted to the Sisters of St. Francis, the Archives preserves, classifies and makes available for prudent reference all those various kinds of information—temporal or spiritual—which pertain to the growth, stability and survival of the Congregation. Our history is cherished as a sacred story.
Research Requests
If you wish information regarding a former teacher, relative or friend, please contact the Archives staff with the specific details of your request.
There is no charge for this service, however, your donation allows us to continue our work of preserving history and making it available to others.
Contact Information
Sisters of St. Francis
P.O. Box 100
Oldenburg, IN 47036
Phone: 812-933-6487
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; afternoons as needed
Repository for Archives
In order to ensure the maintenance of the Sisters of St. Francis archives for generations to come, the Leadership Team accepted the University of Notre Dame’s offer to serve as a repository for materials not having been used for a year. Items currently housed at the University of Notre Dame can be located at: