In line with our Franciscan value of recognizing the dignity of each person, we, the Council signed the declaration, Beloved by God: A Catholic Commitment to Trans-Affirmation, in the name of our Community, It states that “As Catholics, we firmly believe our transgender and nonbinary community members are beloved by God. We recognize that these individuals are living into the dream God had for them long before their birth. Their unique gifts remind us that God's love is dynamic and transformative. We feel called to openly state our support for this marginalized community during these times when they are increasingly faced with violence and criticism for their identities and experiences. We pledge to make an open commitment to supporting justice, equity, and affirmation for transgender and nonbinary individuals throughout the Catholic Church and the world.”
To read the entire declaration, click on the link: You are welcome to sign the declaration as an individual.
To read the entire declaration, click on the link: You are welcome to sign the declaration as an individual.
Corporate Stances
Statement of Leaders of Catholic Sisters of Indiana
Sisters and Associates pledge to Laudato Si Action Platform Movement

Faithful to our Franciscan Charism, we commit to hold sacred all of God's creation and to sing the praises of God's beauty in this world which has been entrusted to us. We mourn the devastation of earth's resources and stand in solidarity with those most affected by the climate crisis and policies that contribute to their suffering. We commit to promote the sustainability of Earth for future generations. We believe in the power of prayer and ecological transformation for ourselves and others.
Answering Pope Francis's urgent call in the Laudato Si seven year journey, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana and our Associates commit ourselves to the Laudato Sl goals and action plans. We pledge to live more deeply the call to transition to Integral Ecology by joining this global Laudato Si Action Platform Movement.
We commit to:
We invite others to join with us on this sacred journey.
Click Links for more information:
Laudato Si’ Action Platform and 7 Goals
Sisters of St. Francis (Oldenburg) and Associates Pledge to the Global Laudato Si Action Platform
LSAP 2022 report- Sisters of St. Francis , Oldenburg, IN
Answering Pope Francis's urgent call in the Laudato Si seven year journey, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana and our Associates commit ourselves to the Laudato Sl goals and action plans. We pledge to live more deeply the call to transition to Integral Ecology by joining this global Laudato Si Action Platform Movement.
We commit to:
- pray and reflect on our duty to care for God's creation and protect the poor and vulnerable impacted by our climate crisis, especially indigenous people and persons of color as we advocate for environmental and economic justice and restoration.
- educate ourselves and others concerning the causes and moral dimensions of climate emergency.
- assess how we and others contribute to climate crisis by our energy use and consumption.
- act to change our choices and behaviors to reduce the ways we contribute to climate crisis.
- advocate for moral principles and priorities in climate change discussions and decisions.
We invite others to join with us on this sacred journey.
Click Links for more information:
Laudato Si’ Action Platform and 7 Goals
Sisters of St. Francis (Oldenburg) and Associates Pledge to the Global Laudato Si Action Platform
LSAP 2022 report- Sisters of St. Francis , Oldenburg, IN
Corporate Stance on Racism
On the 170th Anniversary of their founding January 6, 2021, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana, promulgated the following Corporate Stance on Racism.
Recognizing the wondrous diversity, culture and color among all God’s beloved peoples, we, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana forcefully condemn the sin of racism that is the root of so much historical and current injustice.
In our congregation, we confess that we have not been aware of the privilege/the advantages we’ve experienced because of the color of our skin. Today racism is inherent in systems of healthcare, education, employment, housing, land ownership, judicial/criminal justice, the environment, immigration and voting rights. We open ourselves to a growing awareness of these disparities and seek ways to be allies with people of color.
We strongly condemn white supremacy in all its configurations of violence and hatred. We affirm the dignity of all; every person is created in the image of a loving God. For our sins of negligence and complicity we ask forgiveness.
Walking in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi, we strive to become actively anti-racist in every aspect of our individual and congregational lives, including through our investments. Through encounter – relationships – listening to the pain still experienced, we are challenged to be courageous and prophetic. Truth, repair, reconciliation are all integral to this ongoing process of healing.
Therefore, we will work to enter more deeply into our Franciscan vocation of conversion – praying and taking action to transform all institutions, including the Church. Our sisters and brothers demand this of us as we honor “who and Whose [they] are.”
Recognizing the wondrous diversity, culture and color among all God’s beloved peoples, we, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana forcefully condemn the sin of racism that is the root of so much historical and current injustice.
In our congregation, we confess that we have not been aware of the privilege/the advantages we’ve experienced because of the color of our skin. Today racism is inherent in systems of healthcare, education, employment, housing, land ownership, judicial/criminal justice, the environment, immigration and voting rights. We open ourselves to a growing awareness of these disparities and seek ways to be allies with people of color.
We strongly condemn white supremacy in all its configurations of violence and hatred. We affirm the dignity of all; every person is created in the image of a loving God. For our sins of negligence and complicity we ask forgiveness.
Walking in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi, we strive to become actively anti-racist in every aspect of our individual and congregational lives, including through our investments. Through encounter – relationships – listening to the pain still experienced, we are challenged to be courageous and prophetic. Truth, repair, reconciliation are all integral to this ongoing process of healing.
Therefore, we will work to enter more deeply into our Franciscan vocation of conversion – praying and taking action to transform all institutions, including the Church. Our sisters and brothers demand this of us as we honor “who and Whose [they] are.”
Following the example of Francis and Clare of Assisi,
We the Oldenburg Franciscan Sisters and Associates humbly acknowledge that we are sisters and brothers of all creation.
With awe and gratitude, we celebrate the mystery of God’s loving presence in the Universe.
We acknowledge that we are of Earth, deeply connected to all life, ever nurtured and sustained by Earth’s abundant gifts.
Faithful to our Franciscan heritage, we assume personal and communal responsibility for honoring and protecting the natural world in our care, choosing to value all as sacred.
We commit to making Earth a priority in our decisions, to living lightly on Earth, to using resources responsibly, and to contributing to the sustainability of Earth for generations to come.
Following the example of Francis and Clare of Assisi,
We the Oldenburg Franciscan Sisters and Associates humbly acknowledge that we are sisters and brothers of all creation.
With awe and gratitude, we celebrate the mystery of God’s loving presence in the Universe.
We acknowledge that we are of Earth, deeply connected to all life, ever nurtured and sustained by Earth’s abundant gifts.
Faithful to our Franciscan heritage, we assume personal and communal responsibility for honoring and protecting the natural world in our care, choosing to value all as sacred.
We commit to making Earth a priority in our decisions, to living lightly on Earth, to using resources responsibly, and to contributing to the sustainability of Earth for generations to come.
We, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, strongly oppose the death penalty as contrary to the Gospel and to our particular Franciscan call to peacemaking and justice for the poor.
We affirm that all lives, both innocent and guilty, are sacred and worthy of protection. We know that the state’s use of capital punishment adds to the violence within our society. We hold that its use falls disproportionately on the poor, the uneducated, and the mentally disabled, and is marked by the racism and prejudice which pervades our society.
We commit ourselves to prayer and to action for the abolition of the death penalty wherever it exists. We pledge ourselves to prayer, support, and appropriate action for those whose loved ones have been victims of violent crimes, for those who commit such crimes, and for their families. We promote effective and humane alternatives to the death penalty.
We, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, strongly oppose the death penalty as contrary to the Gospel and to our particular Franciscan call to peacemaking and justice for the poor.
We affirm that all lives, both innocent and guilty, are sacred and worthy of protection. We know that the state’s use of capital punishment adds to the violence within our society. We hold that its use falls disproportionately on the poor, the uneducated, and the mentally disabled, and is marked by the racism and prejudice which pervades our society.
We commit ourselves to prayer and to action for the abolition of the death penalty wherever it exists. We pledge ourselves to prayer, support, and appropriate action for those whose loved ones have been victims of violent crimes, for those who commit such crimes, and for their families. We promote effective and humane alternatives to the death penalty.
We, the Sisters and Associates of St. Francis, Oldenburg, stand in solidarity with the church and the people of Central America with a preferential option for the poor.
We believe in basic human rights and self-government for the people.
We deplore our government’s intervention in the region by direct and indirect means.
We recognize the ability and respect that right of the people of Central America to resolve their own problems.
We condemn and lament the torturing and killing of thousands of innocent civilians.
We uphold and support whatever promotes human development according to God’s plan.
We commit ourselves to deepen our understanding of the issues that impact our sisters and brothers in Central America.
We pledge ourselves to take action through legislation and financial support.
We seek effective collaboration with other like-minded individuals and groups.
We speak a word of hope.
We, the Sisters and Associates of St. Francis, Oldenburg, stand in solidarity with the church and the people of Central America with a preferential option for the poor.
We believe in basic human rights and self-government for the people.
We deplore our government’s intervention in the region by direct and indirect means.
We recognize the ability and respect that right of the people of Central America to resolve their own problems.
We condemn and lament the torturing and killing of thousands of innocent civilians.
We uphold and support whatever promotes human development according to God’s plan.
We commit ourselves to deepen our understanding of the issues that impact our sisters and brothers in Central America.
We pledge ourselves to take action through legislation and financial support.
We seek effective collaboration with other like-minded individuals and groups.
We speak a word of hope.
We, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg strongly condemn any use of Nuclear Weapons as a danger to the survival of God’s Creation.
We oppose the continued production and stockpiling of these weapons as an unjust use of global resources, a tragic furtherance of the arms race, and as posing a constant threat to peace through accident, miscalculation and design.
We, the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg strongly condemn any use of Nuclear Weapons as a danger to the survival of God’s Creation.
We oppose the continued production and stockpiling of these weapons as an unjust use of global resources, a tragic furtherance of the arms race, and as posing a constant threat to peace through accident, miscalculation and design.