Frequently Asked Questions
What makes your CSA different from farmers’ markets and grocery stores?
What sorts of farming methods do you use?
We raise all our produce on land that has been on the farm for over 100 years. Using crop rotation, floating row covers and companion planting, we manage the insects and weeds on our farm without resorting to synthetic pesticides or herbicides. On occasion we will spray an organically certified product to protect our vegetables from insects, when necessary to save the crop. We maintain fertility in our gardens through the use of cover crops, crop rotation, and the addition of organic materials such as straw. In the greenhouse we may add organically certified trace minerals (Azomite) to some of our heavier feeding plants. We also fertilize all our transplants bi-weekly with an organically certified fish emulsion. Work in the garden is accomplished mostly by trained employees of the farm.
Where and when to pick up my share?
Pickup is in the downstairs of the big barn by the farm store. There are two pick up days: Tuesday and Friday. Parking is available in front of the store. Please don’t go past the barn. These are access roads.
What will the pickup look like?
Each member will choose a day to pick up, either Tuesday or Friday, and will consistently come on that day for the entire season. Each member will bring his/her own bags in which to pack the produce. Each week you will pick up between 6-10 items depending on the harvest. The amount of people a single share will feed will depend upon the individual’s produce consumption. If you really like to cook produce at home, this share will be great for 1-2 people. If produce is more of a side-item in your home, the share could feed a family of four. Site-managers will be on hand to answer questions and check in members as they arrive. Produce will be put on tables with a list presented at the site of what exactly each subscriber should take. Eggs will be kept in coolers with the site-managers and will be given to those subscribers who signed up for those shares.
What if I can’t pick up my share?
Members are expected to come on the same day to pick up every week. If you must change your pick-up day, please call the office at (812) 933-0661 or send us an email at [email protected] by 9:00 a.m. Monday. Please let us know if this change will be for just one week or the rest of the season. You may send anyone to pick up your share if your are unable to make it to the pick-up. If you notify us 24 hours in advance (via phone or email) we can pack your share for you and leave it in the farm store cooler for you to pick up after the pick-up is closed.
What if I miss my pickup and do not make alternate arrangements?
If you miss the pick-up, your share will be donated. You will not be credited that amount.
What types of produce can I expect in a season?
Beans-several varieties, beets-several varieties, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, greens-several varieties, herbs-a great variety, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce-several varieties, onions-several varieties, pac choi, pears, peppers, popcorn, potatoes, radishes, scallions, spinach, squash-several varieties, tomatoes-several varieties, turnips, watermelon.
We cannot promise to have all of these, but they are representative of the crops we are planning for the year. Crops are highly subject to weather conditions. While we don’t expect to meet all of your produce needs, we plan to provide the best quality produce you can find in the area.
Is the food already cleaned?
Much of the produce you will receive has been washed. In the case of dry goods like onions, potatoes and garlic, they are air cured. We do however, expect that you will wash your produce after taking it home, as you would with any produce you’ve bought.
My greens have some bug holes; can I eat those?
Because our farm forgoes the use of chemical pesticides or herbicides in our fields, you may find that the produce you receive from us has more evidence of bugs in the field that what you might find in the commercial grocery store. These holes are OK and do not make the greens inedible. We work to give you the best quality produce possible and hope the fresh, pesticide-free produce outweighs the potential of bug damage on produce.
What sorts of things do you do to ensure food safety?
All garden employees have had training in on-farm health and safety standards. Full-time garden employees have had Produce Safety Training with the local extension office in order to learn and understand the most recent advice on how to maintain a high level of safety at the farm. We have on file a Health and Safety Manual that lists all of the ways and means by which we keep Michaela Farm as safe as possible. Please contact us if you wish to view it during business hours.
Can I split my share?
If you are splitting a share, then you can alternate pickup weeks, meet at the farm and pick up together, or one of you can pick up the share and split it later. It is up to you to decide with your share partner. Please pick up the share all at once.
How do you use my subscription payment?
We see your payment for your share as an investment in the farm’s future. Traditionally, CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) were established to help spread the risk and bounty of a farm in a community. Share money is received in the beginning of the season when our costs are high for seed and other garden inputs. As the season progresses, CSA subscribers share in the real joys of farming.
How do I sign up?
To sign up, fill out the CSA Membership Agreement and pay for your subscription.
Click here for the agreement.
To pay online:
Click on the tab at the top of this page called “Make Donation”. This is the donation page on the Sisters of St. Francis website. Click on “Donate online” and fill in the form. In the gift amount box, select “Other” and enter the amount due for your subscription. In the “Use My Gift For” box, be sure to select “Michaela Farm.” Important: If you do not select Michaela Farm, your CSA payment will be received as a donation to the Sisters of St. Francis instead of a payment for your share. Finally, enter your payment information and submit.
If paying by mail:
You can make your check or money order out to Michaela Farm and be sure the envelope is postmarked by the payment cut-off date to lock-in lower rate shares.
Our mailing address is:
Michaela Farm
P.O. Box 100
Oldenburg, IN 47036
If dropping off your payment:
If you choose to drop off your payment, please call us to let us know when you will be here. You may drop your payment in the new farm store.
What makes your CSA different from farmers’ markets and grocery stores?
- We use natural growing practices without the use of synthetic fertilizers or chemically based pesticides.
- Our farm practices build the soil and increase fertility. We take care of the earth with the future in mind.
- We want to connect with YOU. Join our CSA and you can see exactly where your produce comes from–take a tour, or even volunteer.
- We’d also like to get to know you personally and receive your input on what sorts of produce we are growing.
- Supporting our farm buys more than just a share of produce; your subscription supports local food, local businesses, and the mission and work of the Sisters of St. Francis.
- When you pick up your share you can rest assured that your produce is fresh and not driven across the country before it comes to your kitchen.
What sorts of farming methods do you use?
We raise all our produce on land that has been on the farm for over 100 years. Using crop rotation, floating row covers and companion planting, we manage the insects and weeds on our farm without resorting to synthetic pesticides or herbicides. On occasion we will spray an organically certified product to protect our vegetables from insects, when necessary to save the crop. We maintain fertility in our gardens through the use of cover crops, crop rotation, and the addition of organic materials such as straw. In the greenhouse we may add organically certified trace minerals (Azomite) to some of our heavier feeding plants. We also fertilize all our transplants bi-weekly with an organically certified fish emulsion. Work in the garden is accomplished mostly by trained employees of the farm.
Where and when to pick up my share?
Pickup is in the downstairs of the big barn by the farm store. There are two pick up days: Tuesday and Friday. Parking is available in front of the store. Please don’t go past the barn. These are access roads.
What will the pickup look like?
Each member will choose a day to pick up, either Tuesday or Friday, and will consistently come on that day for the entire season. Each member will bring his/her own bags in which to pack the produce. Each week you will pick up between 6-10 items depending on the harvest. The amount of people a single share will feed will depend upon the individual’s produce consumption. If you really like to cook produce at home, this share will be great for 1-2 people. If produce is more of a side-item in your home, the share could feed a family of four. Site-managers will be on hand to answer questions and check in members as they arrive. Produce will be put on tables with a list presented at the site of what exactly each subscriber should take. Eggs will be kept in coolers with the site-managers and will be given to those subscribers who signed up for those shares.
What if I can’t pick up my share?
Members are expected to come on the same day to pick up every week. If you must change your pick-up day, please call the office at (812) 933-0661 or send us an email at [email protected] by 9:00 a.m. Monday. Please let us know if this change will be for just one week or the rest of the season. You may send anyone to pick up your share if your are unable to make it to the pick-up. If you notify us 24 hours in advance (via phone or email) we can pack your share for you and leave it in the farm store cooler for you to pick up after the pick-up is closed.
What if I miss my pickup and do not make alternate arrangements?
If you miss the pick-up, your share will be donated. You will not be credited that amount.
What types of produce can I expect in a season?
Beans-several varieties, beets-several varieties, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, greens-several varieties, herbs-a great variety, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce-several varieties, onions-several varieties, pac choi, pears, peppers, popcorn, potatoes, radishes, scallions, spinach, squash-several varieties, tomatoes-several varieties, turnips, watermelon.
We cannot promise to have all of these, but they are representative of the crops we are planning for the year. Crops are highly subject to weather conditions. While we don’t expect to meet all of your produce needs, we plan to provide the best quality produce you can find in the area.
Is the food already cleaned?
Much of the produce you will receive has been washed. In the case of dry goods like onions, potatoes and garlic, they are air cured. We do however, expect that you will wash your produce after taking it home, as you would with any produce you’ve bought.
My greens have some bug holes; can I eat those?
Because our farm forgoes the use of chemical pesticides or herbicides in our fields, you may find that the produce you receive from us has more evidence of bugs in the field that what you might find in the commercial grocery store. These holes are OK and do not make the greens inedible. We work to give you the best quality produce possible and hope the fresh, pesticide-free produce outweighs the potential of bug damage on produce.
What sorts of things do you do to ensure food safety?
All garden employees have had training in on-farm health and safety standards. Full-time garden employees have had Produce Safety Training with the local extension office in order to learn and understand the most recent advice on how to maintain a high level of safety at the farm. We have on file a Health and Safety Manual that lists all of the ways and means by which we keep Michaela Farm as safe as possible. Please contact us if you wish to view it during business hours.
Can I split my share?
If you are splitting a share, then you can alternate pickup weeks, meet at the farm and pick up together, or one of you can pick up the share and split it later. It is up to you to decide with your share partner. Please pick up the share all at once.
How do you use my subscription payment?
We see your payment for your share as an investment in the farm’s future. Traditionally, CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) were established to help spread the risk and bounty of a farm in a community. Share money is received in the beginning of the season when our costs are high for seed and other garden inputs. As the season progresses, CSA subscribers share in the real joys of farming.
How do I sign up?
To sign up, fill out the CSA Membership Agreement and pay for your subscription.
Click here for the agreement.
To pay online:
Click on the tab at the top of this page called “Make Donation”. This is the donation page on the Sisters of St. Francis website. Click on “Donate online” and fill in the form. In the gift amount box, select “Other” and enter the amount due for your subscription. In the “Use My Gift For” box, be sure to select “Michaela Farm.” Important: If you do not select Michaela Farm, your CSA payment will be received as a donation to the Sisters of St. Francis instead of a payment for your share. Finally, enter your payment information and submit.
If paying by mail:
You can make your check or money order out to Michaela Farm and be sure the envelope is postmarked by the payment cut-off date to lock-in lower rate shares.
Our mailing address is:
Michaela Farm
P.O. Box 100
Oldenburg, IN 47036
If dropping off your payment:
If you choose to drop off your payment, please call us to let us know when you will be here. You may drop your payment in the new farm store.